Co-creating with clients you love


You want to charge a bolder price and attract joy to work with clients who come to your discovery calls knowing your offer by name





The offer you have in your heart is BOLD


You're over the low cost course game filled with click funnels and data analysis paralysis.


The dream of making easeful 5 figure months guiding people through deep transformation is so close you can taste it


 People have called You wild!


Because you must be a little "out there" to desire the life you desire of being paid extraordinarily well for your soul's gifts


 You are the deepest human you know 


You were born to inspire, but not only inspire...


You were born to lead a movement based in LOVE 



You know abundance is your divine birthright. 


Scrapbooking your business together on freebies and random podcast episodes leaves you feeling more like a hobbyist than the embodied entrepreneur you were born to become 

If you're anything like me, you're unemployable.


Too loud for a job


To bossy to work for someone else


Too creative to suffer working for someone else's dream


Sometimes you feel undervalued


Like your voice isn't being heard

or like you'll have to "sell out" to be well off.




I value your creative visons


I know your voice has the power to make great change


The transformations you've made are unique and exactly what the world needs right now!


But you know by now the visionary ideas you have scribbled in notebooks are not going to package, price, and sell themselves. 

 You feel overwhelmed with unsatisfying "to do's" that don't actually make you money and have you working longer hours than you had hoped to when you started your freedom based biz.

You keep yourself busy imagining all the new offers you could create. Your ideas and visions aren't bringing you an overflow of joy to work with clients or consistent cash flow.


Raise your hand if you feel stuck at the visioning stage of your high value life and you're ready for a practical & proven method for packaging up a high value offer that sells to consistent 5 figure months. (at least!) (AND get's real-world results for your clients!)


 You're ready to throw out the boring, boxed in to-do list in trade for rituals you feel you can devote yourself to co created with someone who sees your unique creative genius




Gifted, visionary, flowing with legendary lessons, but not knowing how to put it all together into an offer I would be proud to be known for.


I've been at the mercy of unfulfilling jobs and counting down the days where I could quit to do what I really want to do and BE who I really want to be


Fast forward many mistakes, just not knowing HOW to go from low cost course creator to high value guide, and overcomplicating the whole game to... 


Making almost a million dollars in revenue from only 2 signature soul-aligned offers, adding in a f$ck ton of pleasure, space & fun, and keeping my creative essence and values.


 And I've helped others to their own magnificent versions of success...


Are you ready to...


Design or refine your high-value offer so that it becomes irresistable to high paying, joy to work with clients (putting you on the international map of well paid and well known guides with a sought after offer)

Design or refine your high-value offer so that it becomes irresistable to high paying, joy to work with clients (putting you on the international map of well paid and well known guides with a sought after offer)

Lay down the foundations for a spacious six-figure year  with...

  • An offer so deliciously packaged that your clients want a seat from the moment they lay their eyes on your sales page
  • A content strategy that has you LOVE showing up online and converts to high paying clients month after month
  • A mapped-out sales journey that not only effortlessly converts people who are brand new to your world into pay-in-full clients but is PACKED with value in and of itself. (aka your sales conversations alone will transform your potential clients AND have them feeling so great in your energy that they pay on the call, pay in full, and pay to re-enroll with you)
  • A soul-aligned brand presence that expresses your unique essence in a way that brings clients to YOU instead of feeling like you need to convince people of your value or handle a lot of objections.
  • The ability to stand behind your results with conviction with your own signature methodology that sets you apart from the average guide.
  • BONUS A proven formula that has you launching offers to multiple 5 figures every time you launch
  • BONUS The ability to raise your rates with integrity without having to justify your pay raise to ANYONE!

Tiffany Had a $36,000 launch!

She MORE than doubled her price and had a 5 figure launch while ENJOYING her life! NOTE*** Tiff joined at the mentorship level! If you're craving deeper, personalized support now is the time!


Aimee made over $30,000 and rising from her signature, high value offer

Aimee is NOT a business coach. She's a somatics professional and In just 3 months Aimee went from living with her family in a small apartment to calling in 2 one on one clients and filling up her high-end group program. She made so much money she moved her husband and son to their own home in nature where she can continue delivering her program to high paying clients.


Allison Had a 5 Figure Launch of A BRAND NEW PROGRAM!

She declared her work in the world does not feel like work as she made more money in her launch than in her job and side hustles combined the year before. (all while raising 3 boys and selling her own house) This is what is possible with support!!


I remember the days when I was the internet's best-kept secret, downloading free guide after free guide trying to figure out why I hadn't "made it". There had to be someone out there with the answers. I couldn't find anyone who would get my deeply spiritual nature, & my desire for practical, tangible steps. 

So I become that guide!


You get to be YOU throughout this whole process, there isn't a gift I haven't heard of. The wilder the better.


You get to bring all of you, and I will guide you to a spacious, six-figure business based on your soul's gifts!



The High Value Offer Incubator

  • Imagine you had a step-by-step plan, that allowed you to create a truly transformational offer while creating revenue goals wilder than your wildest dreams like 5k-10k months, $30k launches, $100,000 years, and beyond.
  • Now imagine you had a proven system to reach those goals, on your terms without a big following, and without even a hint of burnout.
  • Now imagine you didn't have to do it alone. You had a mentor and a collective full of ambitious and wise transformational facilitators who are upleveling together
  • And each week you had a chance to be seen, heard, & guided LIVE by a business mentor who honored your creative process for 3 whole months.
  • The Conscious Creative Business Immersion comes with my exact roadmap to creating six figures from ONE high-value offer that we design and refine together.
  • Lifetime access to the potent lessons in your online learning portal, which cover everything from energy upgrades, practical how-to's and the success codes you won't find anywhere else.
  • An exclusive creative community group full of transformational facilitators who are excited to meet you
  • Weekly LIVE coaching. PLUS LIVE creative reviews on all of your creative assets. Sales pages, social posts, graphics, and more.
  • 3x Energy Clearing sessions
  • You are truly and deeply seen in all aspects of your business in The Conscious Creative Business Immersion: mindset, energetics, and the strategy that will have you LESS worried about what you're doing and completely aligned with what you are CREATING.
  • This is not another self-development program masquerading as a business program. You will leave with your signature high-value offer created, launched, and sold to the revenue intention that nourishes your soul.



You get to create the offer that will make waves in the industry, put you on the map of internationally known leaders, and makes you easeful 10k months  


You get to create the kind of content that has your most resonant and ready to invest clients reaching out to you asking how they can pay you to guide them


*Now add in business systems that give you true freedom and makes you money while you're on your healing retreats*


The kind of structure I teach is Sexy AF  (Your business gets to run even on your travel days, moon days, or creatively blocked days) That to me is sexy 


Add in sales that feel like you are inviting your favorite people to your home for a night of depth and transformation 


Because you are


I will help you call your dream clients home to your offer


Your offering is your work of art, and you get to have a business you are wildly in love with. 


Your transformational business based on truth, freedom and authenticity becomes your gift to the world, inside the Conscious Creative Business Immersion. 


And you will know exactly how to invite your dream clients into your offers to create consistent high revenue months!


So what do you get?


6 weeks of PRIVATE one on one mentorship

4 Private 60 minute calls with me covering 
1. Offer Design & Launch Strategy
2. Messaging & Marketing
3. Transformational Sales Skills
4. Energy Clearing For Sustainable Success

Creative reviews on the assets you will be creating for the success of your offer (landing pages, content pieces, and offer curriculum) 


Access M-TH in between our calls for a boost when needed or to talk through strategy snags.


4 months of access to my entire Conscious Creative Business roadmap that had me go from underpaid workshop facilitator to well-paid guide making six figures working less than 20hrs a week.


but most importantly, you get...


my creative mentorship


so that you don't get lost in the mundane tasks, the self-doubt loops, or overwhelm.


With my private support you can come to your business each week immersed in your creative flow, lit up by your soul's calling, & calling in your most resonant clients to the tune of 6 figures in a year


And you wont have to do it alone! Introducing...


Six weeks of private support to design or refine your high-value offer to be irresistible to high-paying clients and know my exact 5 figure launch process to open your doors and get booked out within a month of your launch date.

My Signature C.R.E.A.T.E ™ Method

To go from overworked workshop facilitator and one off session queen to high value guide with a signature sought after offer and a business you are wildly in love with

Module 1: Crystal Clear Vision

Module 1: Crystal Clear Vision

You are wildly creative, you weren't designed to work for someone else's dream.

Here we elevate your self-concept and activate the plan for you to become the high-value guide working only for yourself creating wild revenue goals like 10k months without sacrificing your values or having to work more than 20hrs a week. 

If you see yourself guiding people through their most profound transformations with your own signature process, and becoming well-known for your gifts, I've got you!


Module 1: Crystal Clear Vision

Module 2: Resonant Energy: Attract High Paying Clients Consistently Without Over Efforting

Module 2: Resonant Energy: Attract High Paying Clients Consistently Without Over Efforting

You are the secret sauce to your client attraction methods.

In this module I will help you BE the guide who can hold more money AND higher caliber clients. 

Feel embodied in your message and develop the ability to articulate it in a way that consistently attracts high-paying clients without feeling like you need to chase, follow up or "sell" in sale conversations.

Module 2: Resonant Energy: Attract High Paying Clients Consistently Without Over Efforting

Module 3: Extract Your Signature Process & Package Your Offer To Sell To Consistent 5 figure Months

Module 3: Extract Your Signature Process & Package Your Offer To Sell To Consistent 5 figure Months

Together we will create a signature process for your people so that their results can get repeated and your business can grow organically.

We will Price your offer, Name your offer, and Design a curriculum for your offer so that your offer becomes well known in the industry. making selling feel like less work.

Get your ideas out of the astral, beyond your stacks of notes, and into the hands of clients who highly value the work you do together.

Module 3: Extract Your Signature Process & Package Your Offer To Sell To Consistent 5 figure Months

Module 4: Amplify your voice and grow your audience FULL of aligned buyers

Module 4: Amplify your voice and grow your audience FULL of aligned buyers

Create an ecosystem of content that converts to clients consistently.

I hand deliver you my content distribution strategy and repurposing strategy so you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Your crystal clear, magnetic message is getting seen by your most resonant and ready-to-invest clients daily while you're living your FULL life.

BONUS: We will elevate your online presence so that you feel great about every post you make.

I help you write content that is unique to you and I help you have a confident and magnetic video presence so that your soulmate clients can hear your call!

Module 4: Amplify your voice and grow your audience FULL of aligned buyers

Module 5: Transformational Sales: Create your simple yet powerful sales journey

Module 5: Transformational Sales: Create your simple yet powerful sales journey

Selling is truly a service and I'm going to teach you how to make offers to your potential clients that feel like a HECK YES!

In this module, I'm going to also teach you how to hold space for an enrollment call so that your potential clients feel so great about jumping into your offer!

We are done with sales that feel pushy, urgent, or sticky.

You will be leading the way with sales skills that feel like a transformational process in itself.

Have your clients say YES even before they hop on the call with you and enroll them into your offer easefully on the phone.

Module 5: Transformational Sales: Create your simple yet powerful sales journey

Module 6: Deliver an EPIC experience for your clients

Module 6: Deliver an EPIC experience for your clients

Learn how to onboard clients so that they feel safe in your container.

Know what actually delivers an epic experience and let go of the need to overgive for your people to see results.

Be in business for the long game because your clients will rave about your program for years to come and refer people to you.

Business becomes easy and fun when you LOVE what you do.

We do it for the DELIVERY!

Module 6: Deliver an EPIC experience for your clients

BONUS 1: Access To My LOVE TO LAUNCH ™ Formula for peaceful launches that create multiple 5 figures

BONUS 1: Access To My LOVE TO LAUNCH ™ Formula for peaceful launches that create multiple 5 figures

Learn how to launch your program like a pro with my LOVE to launch formula.

Learn how to create an epic conversion event & my entire launch process for 5 figure launches and beyond.

These are the skills that you can rinse and repeat for consistent revenue.

BONUS 1: Access To My LOVE TO LAUNCH ™ Formula for peaceful launches that create multiple 5 figures

BONUS 2: Access To Deep Money My Course To Help You Raise Your Rates With Integrity

BONUS 2: Access To Deep Money My Course To Help You Raise Your Rates With Integrity

You dont have to justify your pay raise to the world, or to your past clients for that matter.

It's time for you to be well paid for your gifts of transformation and this BONUS course will help you see money in a whole new light!

BONUS 2: Access To Deep Money My Course To Help You Raise Your Rates With Integrity



16 potent lessons that will have you speaking to your most ready-to-invest clients and calling them closer to your offer with every post.

Customizable worksheets that extract the message that sells without ick

My 6 C formula for writing social posts that sell, and Legacy Content ™ Tracker to help you cycle through your best content for consistent sales




What folx are saying

My first launch made me $14,000, I have grossed $30,000 as of now.

I'm so happy Christina didn't let me off the hook when I said I couldn't afford it

- Aimee Takaya

Christina's Program has given me a consistent, gentle push to overcome doubts about the worthiness of my work and has given me great tools to heartful marketing. I am stunned with the great skills I gained in these 4 weeks. 

- Mahé Nele Nashi

Straight away I was impressed by the detailed, factual information she delivers with ease and humour and I immediately thought “She knows what she is doing”. 

- Dom Hatcher

Christina is authentic, inspiring, supportive, fun and fabulous! In each step of this journey together, she showed up with the Know-how, showed up Consistently and Cared. Even after falling behind, where normally I might hide in shame and guilt, I was acknowledged, received, and supported. Investing in this course proved to be an investment in my own sense of self-value. 

- Chachi Crisler

This brilliant creative mentor is so amazing on so many levels! So sharp, wise organized and full of clear ideas that come from both the heart and business mind! I knew there was so much I didn't know and wasn't sure how to go about learning it on my own. I 100% immediately could feel the line up of our energy. Creatives, free spirits, & visionaries should jump in.

- Heather Angelheart

You can apply this information to anything you want to teach or share online and that is a priceless gift in these uncertain times. She shares as a revolutionary act of service to the collective that is helping to bring about and create the New Earth we are all birthing right now.

- Claire Hughes

Christina's sincere care and humor comes through easily through the graceful and full-hearted way she shows up. I've felt very held in her consistency and motivated to create the same type of structure and accountability in my own life.

- Diana Egizi

Your naturalness released mine in order to blossom free to be exactly as I am, such as all the technical tools that change my everyday flow considerably. I am just so grateful to have invested into myself through your channel, so powerful, I feel unstoppable in my ability to serve and expand now. Thank You

- Leo

Working with Christina was most rewarding because she was supportive when I needed her to be and hands off when I needed her to be, which suited me perfectly. She was a tremendous cheerleader and always found positive things to celebrate you for. Christina was a great sounding board and offered expert advice, but always in a light-handed way and was supportive of my own views.

- Dr. Shuna Marr

I had a 9.5k launch and I received the most anyone has ever paid me in one go, and that was just the payment plan.

- Jane Chassian

Making 15k months look easy!

Yulia Rose made her first 5k month with only a handful of clients in her Awaken The Goddess Within program. 3 months later, she made her first 15k month.




Learn the art of making deep decisions that change the course of your life

Not everyone who joined my program had the investment saved. But the creators who had the most success inside CCBI, came decided, went all in, and all made their investment back. Hear about how they made the decision to join.


 REMEMBER this is personal support at an affordable price point (prices inside the application)

 The mentorship level is for the woman who doesn't just want to create a business but wants to leave a legacy in her wake. You're ready to turn everything you touch into creative gold.


This is the high-touch personal guidance you've been craving. 


With my coaching & personal support in your back pocket in our own private channel, you'll be able to create from the depths of your soul, refine your offer suite for client ascension, and fine tune your energy for pristine space holding in all of your containers. (Including your sales containers, making sales feel transformational and simply an extension of your care)



How do you know if this is for you?


You have tried every strategy out there on the internet streets and have not gotten the results you want.


You've opted into freebies and are ready for a strategy that is tailored to you and that works!


You've been feeling that internal nudge that it's time to drop the $97 program, the low cost membership, or the one off sessions and start getting paid consistently well for your expertise


You have struggled with packaging all of your genius into one core offer that you can sell with ease. (and sell consistently) 


The High Value Offer Incubator Application HERE

Who is Christina Gomes and why should you choose her as your intuitive business coach and soulful sales strategist?

I help new coaches, seasoned coaches, and transformational guides create, launch and sell their signature offer, attract soul-aligned clients, and make fulfilling amounts of money so that they can live the lifestyles they truly want to live, create success on their terms, and become a badass business owner.

I truly believe awakened, big-hearted, talented souls should make more money so that we can redistribute the wealth, usher in the new paradigm and create real change in the world.

I didn't always have this kind of clarity or confidence.

I was working as a psychotherapist 9-5, in an office with no windows, when a traumatic event at work left me without a job and seeking spiritual solace.

I left default reality to travel the world with an ukulele and a dream.

I studied with Yogic and Taoist masters in the jungles of Thailand, and wandered through India on a motorbike. I sang in the streets of Istanbul and hitchhiked from Morocco to Portugal, all with very little cash.

To keep the dream of travel alive, I sang in dingy bars, volunteered in Yoga Ashrams, and worked for projects that weren't aligned with my values until I finally made the choice to bring prosperity into my life.

I started to study what successful entrepreneurs were doing, I hired mentors and I created my first online offering, which turned into 3 online offerings and ultimately the signature programs I have today. 

I have made over $300,000 in sales with my one offer and multiple 5 figure months serving dream clients from around the world.

As my own boss, making my own hours and helping people connect to their creative essence, and soul purpose.

This is my dream life and I want to pull back the curtains to show you exactly how I did it so that you can do it too! I'm looking forward to seeing what we can co-create together.


50% Complete


Signify to the Universe that you are ready to create and be observant for any immediate shifts